Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Response paper - Essay Example ese and unsatisfied people in terms of food consumption: â€Å"Americans worry more about food and derive less pleasure from eating than people in any other nation they surveyed† (Pollan par. 16). To verify if Pollan’s assertion that America has a national eating disorder is justified, one made a quick search on the global statistics for obesity, a measure of over consumption of food in terms of quantity. It was therefore revealed that despite the reported over zealousness in counting the number of calories or determining the nutritional value in every food item that Americans allegedly eat, the statistics indicated that the United States is currently the most obese country (The U.S. is the heaviest nation in the world, followed by Kuwait and Croatia). Further, in an article written by Battistoni, the author cited works of scholars such as Michael Pollan, among other food researchers who identified the rationale that links counting calories and obesity, to wit: â€Å"the dominant food production policy in the US is oriented around just one metric: producing calories as cheaply as possible. Weve gotten so good at producing calories efficiently, in fact, that our proble m is no longer that we cant afford enough food—its that the types of calories that are least expensive are the ones that are worst for us† (Battistoni par. 5). Suffice it to say that Barttistoni’s article was aptly titled â€Å"America Spends Less on Food Than Any Other Country† which provides the basic rationale that since the production of food became apparently so efficient that cost significantly declined, more Americans are able to purchase greater quantities for lesser costs, as compared to the rest of the countries around the world. And since these greater numbers of cheaper calories are mostly consumed in greater volume, then, naturally people became increasingly obese faster than any other people around the world. The study conducted by Walpole, Prieto-Merino and Edwards, the implications

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